In animeuri si povesti/fanficuri sunt unele vorbe si propozitii care imi plac foarte mult, acum pun numai una si cand imi mai amintesc(sau cand vine ziua de maine, e 1:24 si nu vreau sa fiu prinsa de parinti) o sa mai pun.
Nu o mai traduc: povestea Forever(, KaitoXShinichi) : I would gladly accept death if it meant protecting you, but it seems I cant even do that anymore. I will wait for you. Forever if I have to.
Fanfic Sasosaku(nu mai stiu numele, caut alta data) Deidara(o sa scriu si in romana si in engleza) : Ce naiba crezi ca fac oamenii dezbeacati.... in acelasi pat... SINGUUUUUUUUUURI/ What the fuck do you think do people naked.... in the same bed... ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE
Fanfic GajeelXLevy, nume GajeelXLevy(nu traduc, ce e cu caps lock e zis de jet si droy iar ce e normal e zis de levy) : "Well...I kissed him."
I took a second for the sentence to sink in.
"Not on the lips or anything, just the cheek."
"It was a stress full night."
"I thought that I should thank him."
"It wouldn't be enough."
Fanfic Sebaciel: Nume Dreaming Reality: Ciel: "What is Hell for everyone else… let it be Heaven for me."
Fanfic KlausXCaroline: Nume Happy Birthday, Klaus: No. Wrong thoughts at the wrong time about the wrong guy. (fraza aceasta ma descrie EXTREM de bine!)
Fanfic GunterXYuki(Kyo Karah Maoh, nume Change Of Perspective): He needed to think. He knew he should be thinking. He should be thinking. He really should— (cine nu a fost in pozitia lui?
Acelasi fanfic: "How do you know if you like someone?" "So, you like—"
"I'm not sure if I do!"
"But you said—"
"I'm not sure!"
"Well, what makes you think you do?"
"Just say it, Your Majesty. It's not like you had a dirty dream involving you two and the library."
"Oho! You did?
Acelasi fanfic(ce pot sa zic? ma regasesc in el!) : "Oh God. Oh God. Oh God."
Mission: Act Normal.
Result: Complete and total humiliating failure. (aici vreau sa intreb, cine nu a trecut prin asta?!)
Monochrome Factor: Shirogane: The light and the shadows are both on the same stage, the world. We are all acting on the stage. We are nothing but a group of foolish actors.
Astha poate fi numita TRUE LOVE !!
Daa....cunosc sentimentul...sunt unele citate care mi`e imposobil sa mi`le scot din cap :X:X